Nursing Homes Ratings

by Isaac Riley



The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has been keeping tabs on more than 150,000 nursing homes in the continental US (including Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Guam). We did Google searches for nursing homes and noticed that the ratings in the marketing data exceeded the metrics kept by CMS. In an effort to get honest ratings, I have created this app which taps into the CMS ratings (facility ratings and separate nursing staff ratings), history of abuses, history of fines, ownership information and more.There are millions who are unable to care for a loved one themselves (I am one of them). Before committing your loved ones to a nursing home, it is prudent to conduct a cursory investigation of the facility (based on personal experiences). Medicare and Medicaid has kept tabs on these homes and this app gives you access to that data.The Nursing Homes app was born out of a need to find quality care for an ailing father.